Client Fire Departments
- Alameda, CA
- Arcadia, CA
- Beverly Hills, CA
- Compton, CA
- Glendale, CA
- Hayward, CA
- Long Beach, CA
- Los Angeles County, CA
- Los Angeles City, CA
- Montebello, CA
- Oakland, CA
- Pasadena, CA
- San Francisco, CA
- Santa Monica, CA
- West Covina, CA
- Bellevue, WA
- Salt Lake City, UT
Fire Ladders
Alaco’s Tapered Truss Ground Ladders or Ground Fire Ladders originate from an innovative design by Frederick Seagrave, who built wood orchard ladders in Columbus, Ohio before switching to fire ladders in 1881. His ultimate goal was to design and fabricate ladders that were:
- Very light for easy and fast handling
- Strong and tough to resist abuse
- Convenient to operate safely
- Stiff, with as little bounce as possible for quick, sure climbing
Seagrave’s design was brilliant – even by today’s standards. Over the decades it was developed further by Los Angeles Ladder Company, and has been continually refined by Alaco.
Top Quality Construction
Constructed of Douglas Fir, Oak and Hickory woods with precision steel fasteners and hardware, Alaco Ground Fire Ladders are widely used by major Fire Departments and Agencies throughout the Western U.S. and beyond.
Benefits of Wood
- Wood ladders are lightweight – comparable to similar aluminum ground ladders
- Wood does not conduct electricity – helps prevent electrical injuries and loss of life
- Wood does not conduct heat – insulating properties of Douglas Fir are excellent
- Wood stays strong in the fire – if charred, it retains its original strength
- Wood provides more resistance to flexing and bouncing when climbed quickly
Deep history, experience, engineering expertise and precision manufacturing capability enables Alaco to create some of the finest and most dependable Wood Ground Fire Ladders available anywhere.